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A Comprehensive Guide to Cold and Flu: Symptoms, Treatment, and More

The common cold and flu, often abbreviated as cold and flu, are two of the most prevalent respiratory infections people face. These illnesses can disrupt daily life, leaving individuals seeking relief from common cold symptoms and flu symptoms alike. This article delves into the differences between a cold and the flu, explores effective treatment options, and provides insights into popular products like Nurofen cold and flu, Lemsip max, Beechams powders, and Lemsip cold and flu.

Cold and Flu: Understanding the Basics


Cold and Flu Differences

  • Duration: Colds typically last for a few days to a week, while the flu can linger for a week or more.
  • Symptoms: Cold symptoms are often milder, whereas flu symptoms are more severe.
  • Fever: The flu often brings on a fever, but this is uncommon with a cold.
  • Muscle Aches: Flu symptoms often include muscle aches, which are rare in a cold.

Cold and Flu Similarities

  • Respiratory Infections: Both are viral respiratory infections.
  • Contagious: Both are contagious and spread through respiratory droplets.
  • Treatment: Similar treatment strategies can help manage symptoms.

Common Cold Symptoms

  • Runny or Stuffy Nose
  • Sneezing
  • Sore Throat
  • Cough
  • Mild Headache
  • Watery Eyes
  • Mild Fatigue


Understanding Cold and Flu Symptoms

Cold Symptoms: Cold symptoms include a runny or stuffy nose, sneezing, a sore throat, a mild cough, a headache, watery eyes, and mild fatigue.

Flu Symptoms: Flu symptoms are more intense, often including a high fever, severe muscle aches, extreme fatigue, chills, and a dry cough.


cold and flu

Cold and Flu in Special Populations

  • Children: Colds are common in children, and they may experience several colds a year. Ensure they get plenty of rest and fluids. The flu can be more severe in children, so vaccination is crucial.
  • Elderly: Older adults are at a higher risk of developing severe complications from the flu. Vaccination is vital for this age group.
  • Pregnant Women: Pregnant women are at increased risk of flu-related complications. The flu vaccine is safe during pregnancy and provides protection for both the mother and the baby.


The Role of Nutrition

A well-balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals can help support the immune system, potentially reducing the severity and duration of cold and flu symptoms. Consider adding foods with immune-boosting properties to your diet, such as:

  • Citrus Fruits: Packed with vitamin C, known for its immune-boosting properties.
  • Garlic: Contains allicin, a compound that may help fight infections.
  • Ginger: Has anti-inflammatory and antioxidative properties that can provide relief from cold and flu symptoms.
  • Honey: May help soothe a sore throat and cough.
  • Chicken Soup: Provides hydration and essential nutrients to support recovery.

cold and flu remedy

Popular Cold and Flu Medications

Nurofen Cold and Flu

Nurofen offers a range of cold and flu products designed to relieve common symptoms. These include tablets and liquids, each formulated to tackle specific cold and flu symptoms.

Lemsip Max

Lemsip Max is a well-known brand that offers various products to alleviate cold and flu symptoms. Their range includes hot drinks, capsules, and powders.

Beecham’s Powders

Beecham’s powders have been a go-to remedy for generations. They are available in sachets and offer relief from common cold and flu symptoms.

Lemsip Cold and Flu

Lemsip provides a comprehensive range of products designed to address specific symptoms, including chesty coughs, congestion, and headaches.


Cold and Flu Treatment Options

  • Rest and Hydration: Adequate rest and staying well-hydrated are essential components of recovery from both cold and flu.
  • Over-the-Counter Medications: Many over-the-counter medications, like those mentioned above, can help relieve specific symptoms, such as fever, cough, or congestion.
  • Home Remedies: Home remedies like warm saltwater gargles and inhaling steam can provide relief from a sore throat and congestion.
  • Prescription Medications: In some cases, particularly with severe flu symptoms, a healthcare provider may prescribe antiviral medications.
  • Vaccination: Getting an annual flu vaccine can significantly reduce the risk of contracting the flu.
  • Cough and Cold Precautions: When dealing with cold and flu, practice good hygiene by covering your mouth when coughing or sneezing, washing your hands regularly, and avoiding close contact with others.


In the battle against the common cold and flu, understanding the distinctions between the two and recognizing their symptoms is the first step toward relief. While both conditions can make life uncomfortable, various treatment options are available to help you manage the symptoms and get back on your feet. Products like Nurofen cold and flu, Lemsip max, Beecham’s powders, and Lemsip cold and flu offer effective relief for specific symptoms, making your road to recovery smoother.


Remember that when dealing with cold and flu symptoms, rest and hydration are crucial. Over-the-counter medications can be helpful, but it’s always wise to consult a healthcare provider, especially if you have underlying health conditions or are pregnant, to ensure the best and safest course of action.


Taking proactive measures such as getting an annual flu vaccine and practicing good hygiene can significantly reduce the risk of contracting these viral infections.


Ultimately, whether you’re faced with the milder symptoms of a common cold or the more severe effects of the flu, the path to recovery involves a combination of rest, appropriate medications, and self-care. Don’t let the common cold or flu disrupt your life. Seek relief with the right treatments and take steps to protect yourself from these pesky viruses. Remember to consult a healthcare provider for personalized guidance, and consider getting an annual flu vaccine to bolster your defences. Your well-being is worth it!


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Unlocking the Benefits: Epimax Ointment

Discover the secret to healthy and nourished skin with Epimax Ointment – a versatile skincare solution that unlocks a world of benefits. Whether you’re looking to soothe dryness, protect sensitive skin, or improve overall skin health, Epimax Ointment is here to deliver exceptional results. This powerful ointment is specially formulated with a unique blend of ingredients, including natural emollients and moisturisers, to provide long-lasting hydration and repair damaged skin. But that’s not all – Epimax Ointment goes beyond moisturization. Its non-greasy formula absorbs quickly, leaving your skin feeling soft, smooth, and rejuvenated. Perfect for all skin types, Epimax Ointment can be used on the face, body, and even as a lip balm. Say goodbye to multiple skincare products cluttering your bathroom shelf, and say hello to the simplicity and effectiveness of Epimax Ointment. Unlock the full potential of your skin with this versatile powerhouse and experience the transformative benefits firsthand.

What is Epimax Ointment?

Epimax Ointment is a multi-purpose skincare product that offers a wide range of benefits for your skin. It is specially formulated to provide intense hydration and repair damaged skin. The unique blend of natural emollients and moisturisers in Epimax Ointment helps to nourish and protect your skin, leaving it feeling soft, smooth, and rejuvenated. This versatile ointment can be used on various parts of the body, making it a convenient and effective solution for all your skincare needs.

Epimax Ointment is free from harsh chemicals and fragrances, making it suitable for even the most sensitive skin types. It is dermatologically tested and recommended by skincare experts, ensuring its safety and effectiveness. Whether you have dry skin, eczema, dermatitis, or psoriasis, Epimax Ointment can help to soothe and improve your skin condition. With its versatile nature and powerful formulation, Epimax Ointment is a must-have in your skincare routine.

Benefits of using:

Epimax Ointment offers a multitude of benefits that can transform your skin and improve its overall health. Here are some of the key benefits of using Epimax Ointment:

  1. Intense Hydration: Epimax Ointment provides long-lasting hydration to your skin, locking in moisture and preventing dryness. Its unique blend of emollients and moisturisers penetrates deep into the skin, replenishing its moisture barrier and leaving it feeling soft and supple.
  2. Repair and Protection: The powerful formulation of Epimax Ointment helps to repair damaged skin and protect it from further irritation. It creates a protective barrier on the skin’s surface, shielding it from environmental aggressors and preventing moisture loss.
  3. Soothes Irritation: Epimax Ointment contains soothing ingredients that help to calm and relieve skin irritation. It can be used to soothe itchiness, redness, and inflammation caused by various skin conditions, such as eczema, dermatitis, and psoriasis.
  4. Versatile Application: This Ointment can be used on the face, body, hands, and even as a lip balm. Its non-greasy formula absorbs quickly, making it suitable for use throughout the day. You can conveniently carry it with you and apply it whenever your skin needs nourishment and protection.

Versatility of Epimax Ointment

Epimax Ointment’s versatility is one of its standout features. Its unique formulation allows for various applications, making it a versatile skincare solution. Let’s explore some of the different ways you can use Epimax Ointment to address specific skincare needs:

Dry skin

If you struggle with dry skin, Epimax Ointment can be your go-to solution. Its intense hydration properties help to replenish moisture and prevent dryness. Apply a generous amount of Epimax Ointment to your skin, focusing on the drier areas. Massage it gently until fully absorbed. The ointment will create a protective barrier, locking in moisture and leaving your skin feeling soft and nourished.

Eczema relief

Eczema is a common skin condition characterised by dry, itchy, and inflamed skin. Epimax Ointment can provide much-needed relief for eczema sufferers. Apply a thin layer of Epimax Ointment to the affected areas twice a day, or as directed by your healthcare professional. The ointment’s soothing properties will help to reduce itchiness and inflammation, promoting healing and providing comfort.

Wound healing

Epimax Ointment is also beneficial for promoting wound healing. Its gentle yet effective formulation helps to create an optimal environment for healing. Clean the wound with mild soap and water, then apply a thin layer of Epimax Ointment. Cover the wound with a sterile dressing if necessary. The ointment’s moisturising and protective properties will aid in the healing process, reducing scarring and promoting faster recovery.

Dermatitis treatment

Dermatitis is a common skin condition characterised by redness, rash, and irritation. Epimax Ointment can help to alleviate the symptoms of dermatitis and restore balance to your skin. 

Apply a thin layer of Epimax Ointment to the affected areas, focusing on the irritated skin. The ointment’s soothing properties will help to reduce redness and inflammation, providing relief and promoting healing.

Psoriasis management

Psoriasis is a chronic skin condition that causes thick, scaly patches on the skin. Epimax Ointment can be used as part of your psoriasis management routine to help soothe and nourish your skin. Apply a thin layer of Epimax Ointment to the affected areas, gently massaging it until fully absorbed. The ointment’s moisturising properties will help to soften the scales and reduce itching, providing relief and improving the appearance of your skin.


How to use effectively

To get the most out of Epimax Ointment, follow these simple steps for effective application:

  1. Cleanse your skin with a mild cleanser and pat it dry.
  2. Take a small amount of Epimax Ointment and apply it to the desired area.
  3. Gently massage the ointment into your skin until fully absorbed.
  4. Reapply as needed or as directed by your healthcare professional.


Precautions and side effects

While Epimax Ointment is generally safe for use, it is always recommended to perform a patch test before applying it to a larger area of your skin. Apply a small amount of the ointment to a small patch of skin and wait for 24 hours. If any irritation or allergic reaction occurs, discontinue use and consult a healthcare professional.


Epimax Ointment is a versatile skincare solution that offers a wide range of benefits for your skin. From intense hydration and repair to soothing irritation and promoting healing, Epimax Ointment is a powerful ally in your skincare routine. Its unique blend of natural emollients and moisturisers provides long-lasting hydration and leaves your skin feeling soft, smooth, and rejuvenated. Whether you have dry skin, eczema, dermatitis, or psoriasis, Epimax Ointment can help to improve your skin condition and unlock the full potential of your skin. Embrace the simplicity and effectiveness of Epimax Ointment and experience the transformative benefits firsthand. Invest in your skin’s health and discover the versatility of Epimax Ointment today.

What is Hay fever?

Hay fever is the common named used to describe the symptoms people get as a result of an allergy to pollen. It is an incredibly common issue for people in the UK, with around 1 in 5 people suffering in their life. Hay Fever is most common in summer months when pollen is at the highest levels. Those suffering from symptoms are often affected by one type of pollen the main sources being grass, trees and weeds. Each of these have high point at different times of the year and knowing this and the type of pollen that you are affected by can help you to better manage your symptoms (there is more on this at the end of the blog). Hay fever has a range of symptoms and some people get some more than others. This post will explore what the symptoms are and what you can do to help manage and treat them, both medically and with lifestyle choices.

What are the symptoms?

There are a range of different symptoms that people can experience if they suffer from hay fever they include;
• Sneezing
• Coughing
• A runny or blocked nose
• Itchy, red or watery eyes
• Itchy throat, mouth, nose, ears
• Loss of smell
• Pain around your temples and forehead
• Headache
• Earache
• Feeling tired
But if you have asthma you may also experience;
• A tight feeling in your chest
• Be short of breath
• Wheeze or cough


Explore our full range of treatments here: Pharmacy First Hay Fever

While there is no cure, there are options to help control and manage the symptoms. We have broken down the treatment options into categories based of what they help manage …


Hay fever tablets are often called anti-histamines and this is because of the way in which they fight the symptoms of hay fever. The anti-histamines limit the body’s reaction to histamines, which is a chemical released when the body thinks it is being attacked by a harmful substance (in this case the harmless pollen). As a result, you will not experience symptoms to the same extent as the medication is dealing with the histamines which are the cause of the symptoms.

The strongest medications to treat hay fever are prescription only, but they can be bough on our Online Consultation Service. This involves a quick and easy only consultation questionnaire, you will then be able to choose the medications that are appropriate for you and our Doctor prescribes this for you.


Telfast is a second-generation hay fever medication, meaning it helps treat the symptoms of hay fever while not causing drowsiness. It contains Fexofenadine Hydrochloride and comes in two strengths – 120mg and 180mg and is used to treat the more severe cases of hay fever. It is available at low prices on our website, as is the generic version of this medication. As a Prescription Only Medication (POM) it will need be ordered through our Online Consultation Service.


Cetirizine Hydrochloride is another second-generation treatment but can be bought without a prescription. It is an incredibly popular and effective treatment allowing people to manage symptoms such as sneezing and a runny or blocked nose. We sell Cetirizine in individual boxes but also in 6 month (6 boxes of 30 tablets) and 12 month supplies.


Loratadine is a third option for the relief from the symptoms of hay fever. It, like cetirizine, is available without a prescription meaning it is a great option for the majority of people who are trying to manage their symptoms. It also comes in different amounts, including; a single box, 6 months and 12 months.

Nasal Sprays

While tablets are a great treatment option and can provide a great amount of relief, they are not the only option available. Nasal sprays are another great option, and help to specifically target nasal issues caused by hay fever. Below are some of the most popular options.


As well as offering prescription strength tablets we also sell Nasonex which is a highly popular and effective prescription strength nasal spray. It helps to stop the chemicals that cause the symptoms of hay fever with a spray in the nose, this in turn stops the nose from becoming inflamed. The full range of prescription strength nasal sprays can be viewed on our website.


A non-prescription alternative is Benacort Nasal Spray, it can be used to both prevent symptoms and relieve them if they have already started. It is effective at treating nasal congestion, runny and itchy noses and sneezing, all of which are major symptoms of hay fever.

Eye Drops

Much like how nasal sprays help to tackle the nasal symptoms at the source, the same can be achieved with eye drops. This helps you to manage things such as itchy, red and watery eyes throughout hay fever season.


Opticrom Allergy Eye Drops help provide relief when your eyes are affected by hay fever. They contain the drug Sodium Cromoglicate and this makes the product effective at treating itchy, red, sore and watery eyes. The drops get to work in minutes to help relieve your symptoms quickly.


A second option is the Murine Allergy Eye Mist. This is sprayed on to closed eyes and helps protect the eyes and prevent hay fever symptoms from occurring. It provides 8 hour protection, allowing you to enjoy the outdoors without the worry of hay fever.

Lifestyle Choices

While pharmaceutical options are great ways of managing hay fever and allowing you to enjoy the summer months; there are also steps you can take that will help you to be less affected. Here is a top tips to help with hay fever.

• Check the weather to see when the pollen count is highest – try and stay indoors on these days with the windows closed
• Shower and change clothes after being outside – this will remove the pollen from your body and relieve symptoms
• When you are outside, wear wraparound sunglasses to protect your eyes
• Put Vaseline around your nostrils to trap pollen

In 2006, 1,042,431 prescriptions were dispensed for Viagra (Sildenafil) compared to 2,958,199 prescriptions dispensed in 2016 for ED.

ED - Image

In recent years there has been an increase seen in men who are otherwise healthy but are suffering from a sexual dysfunction. Erectile dysfunction (ED) and premature ejaculation (PE) are the most common.

Prescriptions for drugs such as Sildenafil (Viagra), Tadalafil (Cialis) and Vardenafil (Levitra) have more than doubled in the last decade, to treat these conditions. While the cause of these may be physical or psychological and vary between each patient, we feel the increase recorded is because people are less embarrassed to talk about sexual health in this day and age.

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is where a man has continuous issues with sustaining or obtaining an erection, hard or long enough for intercourse. About 5% of men that are 40 years old have complete erectile dysfunction, and that number increases to about 15% of men at age 70. Mild and moderate erectile dysfunction affects approximately 10% of men per decade of life (i.e., 50 percent of men in their 50s, 60 percent of men in their 60s).

Premature ejaculation (PE) is when an ejaculation occurs quicker than is desired during sexual intercourse. The causes for the sexual dysfunctions will differ from man to man. However common causes for ED are, because of your lifestyle (consuming too much alcohol, smoking), stress or high blood pressure. While for PE it has been linked to anxiety, relationship problems, or physical issues such as thyroid problems, abnormal levels of hormones.

Should you experience any of these issues, you should speak to your GP who will investigate your case to help you in the best way possible.

Our Online Consultation Service can help

Erectile Dysfunction

If ED is diagnosed there are several medications for treatment, below are the most popular:

ED - Viagra

Viagra is a medication used for the treatment of impotence and Erectile Dysfunction (ED). The active ingredient found in Viagra is Sildenafil and comes in 25mg, 50mg and 100mg doses. It works to help sustain an erection by increasing blood flow to the penis. Viagra ONLY works when you are sexually aroused and is designed to keep an erection long and hard enough for intercourse. Sildenafil is the generic version of Viagra.

ED - CialisCialis is a prescription medication taken orally. It is available in 2.5mg & 5mg , and 10mg & 20mg tablet form. Cialis allows the muscles surrounding the pelvis to relax which in turn flows more blood to the body of the penis making it hard.

Cialis can start working within 15-45 minutes of consuming. A generic version of Cialis is available using the active ingredient Tadalafil

Whilst there is no set or agreed time for ejaculation to occur it is usually classed as premature if a climax is reached in less than 2 minutes.

Premature Ejaculation

Whilst there is no set or agreed time for ejaculation to occur it is usually classed as premature if a climax is reached in less than 2 minutes. There are also other factors that go into the diagnosing and prescribing process such as the impact of premature ejaculation has on the individual.

Priligy - Premature ejaculation treatment

Priligy is a prescription medication that is sold by our Online Consultation Service. It helps to delay. It works by boosting the levels of serotonin in the body which helps to delay ejaculation and it is effective in over 80% of males.

There are popular treatments available such as creams and sprays without the need for prescription to aid those who suffer from PE:

LMX4 - PELMX4 is traditionally used as a fast acting topical anaesthetic that has an excellent safety profile. It is used to reduce the pain associated with medical needle procedures. It does this by numbing the skin within 30 minutes of application. LMX4 4% Cream has an advanced liposomal formulation that uniquely enhances the way the active ingredient in the cream penetrates into the skin. Apply a thin layer to the penis and wash off after 15 minutes (before intercourse) so that this does not transfer to your partner and they do not lose sensation.

STUD100 - PEStud100 Desensitizing spray contains lidocaine, a well-known anaesthetic. When sprayed on to the penis it penetrates the skin and after 10-15 should be washed off (before intercourse) so that this does not transfer to your partner. You may need to try this in private beforehand to determine how much spray is enough or not enough. Clinical trials have proven that Stud 100 is quick acting, safe and effective.

Leaving a sexual dysfunction undiagnosed can lead to depression and/or anxiety in some cases.

It is important to remember this is not an uncommon condition and there are a wide range of treatments available on prescription or from Pharmacies.

If you feel more than half of sexual experiences result in either of these issues it is important to consult with your GP.

The most popular method of obtaining these medications is via the internet. The dangers of buying medication online can be controlled by looking out for the correct symbols on the website you have chosen to use.

GPhCnumber1107410Those patients that are already using a legitimate online pharmacy will undoubtedly already have seen the click-able green cross logo,which is the General Pharmaceutical Council (GPhC). Users that click on this particular logo will be taken to the GPhC register of pharmacies and can see verification that this pharmacy is who they are claiming to be.

MHRALogoThe EU common logo is required in addition to the GPhC logo and will not act as a substitution. Like the GPhC logo, the;”> EU common logo is click-able, but the hyperlink will direct people to the MHRA’s list of registered online pharmacies. This will be an extra level of security, reassurance and peace of mind for the consumer, who will now be given a guarantee the medicine they receive will be legitimate and safe.


The European Medicines Agency (EMA) is reviewing emergency contraceptives to examine whether they are less effective in overweight women.

The EMA is assessing whether increased body weight and body mass index reduce the effectiveness of levonorgestrel (Levonelle) and ulipristal (ellaOne), following a request from the Swedish medicines regulatory agency, it announced on Friday (January 24).

The review comes after the French manufacturer HRA Pharma changed the product information for its morning-after-pill Norlevo, which contains the hormone levonorgestrel, in November last year.

The new information states that clinical trials had found the efficacy of the contraceptive was reduced in women weighing 75kg or more and did not prevent unwanted pregnancies in women weighing more than 80kg.

The EMA said last week that it would assess whether any changes should be made to the product information for all other emergency contraceptives.

The review is being carried out by the Committee for Medicinal Product for Human Use (CHMP). It will forward its views to the European Commission, which will make the final decision.

(For Original Article Click Here)

The MHRA, Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency, has downplayed calls for a ban on e-numbers in children’s medication, highlighting that many common foods contain much higher quantities of the same additives.

Manufacturers must justify using additives before a medicine licence is granted, the medicines watchdog stressed this week (October 22), in response to a report published the same day that criticised the use of colourings in children’s medication.

The report, published by charity Action on Additives, named 52 children’s medicines containing the seven e-number colourings and preservatives that were linked to hyperactivity in a 2007 Southampton University study.

The additives included carmoisine, quinoline yellow and ponceau 4R – all banned in food in the USA, Canada and Japan – and others linked to hyperactivity and allergies, such as sunset yellow. The Food Standards Agency called for a voluntary removal of all these ingredients from foods in 2008.

Action on Additives said it was concerned by the amount of “unnecessary” colourings in OTC, pharmacy-only and prescription medicines and called on manufacturers to withdraw these ingredients.

But the MHRA said it did not grant licences for medicines that contained additives without justification and highlighted that a full list of ingredients was readily available on patient information leaflets.

“We are aware that some additives can cause an unwanted reaction in a small number of people and we are continually monitoring their safety profile,” said Siu Ping Lam, MHRA acting director of licensing. “This helps us to provide accurate information about any risks to patients and healthcare professionals.”

Boots, which manufactured four of the products named in the report, said customer safety was “of paramount importance” to the multiple. It stressed that the additives mentioned were commonly present in MHRA-approved medicines and said colourings were important in helping patients to identify medicines on sight.

Read the full list of medicines mentioned in the report here.

(Click Here For Original Article)

Chronic Telogen Effluvium (CTE) is the term used to describe excessive and persistent hair shedding.

Lamberts Florisene Hair GrowthResearch has shown that currently up to 33% of women report having “less hair” as compared to 5 years ago. The increased hair shedding or loss is a result of CTE not just an inevitable consequence of ageing or stress.

This represents an incredible 4.8 million women in the UK who have less than optimal hair growth. These women can be helped with products such as Florisene or Hairgen.

For many, the hair loss is horrifying and each year hundreds of thousands of women seek help from practitioners, pharmacists and GPs. For others there is just an acceptance that their hair has lost some volume and looks thin as a consequence of getting older.

Scientific research involving hundreds of women over the last 10 years has shown that the major cause of CTE is low serum ferritin. This blood measurement reflects the amount of “storage” iron in the body.

When the serum ferritin level falls below a certain point, which varies to a degree between individuals, (typically 40-70ug/l), the hair growth cycle is disrupted and hair shedding results.

For some women this results in a gradual hair loss, the end result to the sufferer being a “thinner” ponytail or less hair to clip back. In others, the hair loss is relatively sudden and very obvious with sufferers noticing significantly more hair in the brush and in the sink after shampooing.

Low serum ferritin levels in women is now a widespread problem, due to little or no red meat consumption and monthly blood loss during menstruation.

A low serum ferritin level does not necessarily show up as anaemia (i.e. low haemoglobin level) and so CTE may occur with no other clinical signs or symptoms aside from increased hair shedding.

The Kelo-Cote Range consists of Gels and Sprays designed to reduce scarring.

Kelo-Cote is an American product used for treating scars. It helps to remove the appearance of scars and is used by a number of American plastic surgeons, dermatologists and orthopaedic surgeons.

Kelo-Cote is a Silicone scar treatment. A type of product that has been lauded for their efficacy by many skin specialists and physicians. Silicone scar treatments are widely regarded as being highly effective. The International Clinical Recommendations on Scar Management recommended silicone as first-line therapy for scar treatment and abnormal scar prevention.

Does Kelo-Cote Work?

Kelo-Cote is clinically proven to to be highly effective in reducing scars. Testing was carried out using over 2000 patients which lends a lot of backing to the product range.

As always we, at Pharmacy First, try to offer the best possible prices and monitor the market to ensure that we achieve this.


Hairgen is the new drug free hair loss range comprising Hairgen Foam, Hairgen Spray and Hairgen Shampoo.

But does Hairgen Work?

As Hairgen is still a new product it is hard to say definitively whether results will be brilliant for everyone, however early signs look good.

Recent publicity in the Daily Mail Showed the results shown by a number of customers and they seemed to be pretty good. You can see the full article here. We think that Hairgen has a very good chance of success judging by these encouraging early results and will be monitoring it’s success in the coming months.


Pharmacy First have recently launched our Online NHS Prescription Service. We have been working on this and perfecting it to make ordering your prescription from Pharmacy First as straight forward as possible.

Our unique system allows you to order your prescription in the fewest clicks possible with easy instructions and no confusing jargon!

Best of all, all NHS prescription orders qualify for free delivery!

To order your NHS prescription all you need to do is follow the 3 steps below.

Once you have received your prescription from your GP, all you have to do is let us know whether you pay for your prescription or if you have an exemption. If you pay just tell us how many different items are on the prescription. If you don’t pay just tell us the reason for your exemption. It’s as easy as that!

Then just send us your prescription in the post and we will send out your medication straight to any address that you would like.