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Introduction to pain medication

Introduction to pain medication

In its simplest form, pain is what we feel when we injure or hurt ourselves. It is our bodies natural way of telling us that something is wrong. But there are different types and they are;

Nociceptive Pain: this is the medical way of saying pain caused by pain receptors in a specific place. So, if you hit your head, this would be nociceptive pain as it would hurt more if you touched it. It can be easily managed through a range of treatments that are explained below.

Neuropathic Pain: this is pain that radiates out as a result of the nerve itself being injured. A slipped disc is an example of this, it may make the pain radiate down your leg, but if you touched this area the pain would not get worse as it is not the source of the pain.

How to manage your pain

Non-Medicated Pain Relief

Although there are numerous pain killers available, you may not need them to manage your pain. Non-medicated pain relief can provide good results. To do this you will first need to;

Rest: Rest for the first 48-72 Hrs following the pain from starting. This is important as it will help your body to heal itself.

Ice: Ice is an effective step in reducing pain as it cools the affected area. Doing this reduces the amount of blood flowing to the area by making the blood vessels there smaller. This prevents further damage from occurring and so helps the body to start the healing process quicker.

Comfortable position: It is also important to take a comfortable position that doesn’t cause additional pain, this should be done as much as possible. Rather than worrying on what the best position to support your injury is to the finest degree, find what works best for your individual pain.

There are plenty of products that can be bought to help aid in non-medicated pain relief. If you are struggling to sleep then there are a range of sleep aids available direct from our website which are delivered quickly, securely and discreetly to your door, to ensure that you get enough sleep to help your body recover. This includes both medicated and herbal sleep aids so that you can help yourself in the best way.

There are plenty of products that can help to cool your skin, these include plasters, gels and sprays. These are designed to provide rapid cooling to the skin in order to get the recovery process started as quickly as possible.

We also have products that can help you to adopt a comfortable position. Items such as bandages and tubigrips are a great way of supporting your injury and relieving your pain as you go about your day to day life.

Medicated Pain Relief

There are a few essential pain medications that are useful to deal with a range of pain medication, as well as some that are only available from a pharmacy (including our website).


It is a mild analgesic, but one of its properties is that it prevents the blood from clotting (meaning it can limit your ability to stop bleeding). This is useful is you have had a heart attack but not if your bleeding. It usally comes in tablet form but you can get dispersible versions (meaning it dissolves in water). Dosages vary between strengths and people but look at the table below for some dosage advice. Always read the label before taking to ensure it is safe to do so for your individual case.


This is another mild pain killer but can help to reduce temperatures, such as in a fever. It is better to take soft tissue injuries in the first couple of days following the injuries. It comes in a wide range of forms, including tablets, capsules, syrups, dispersible tablets and others. It is often found in other medication such as Cold and Flu tablets, so it is important to check the leaflet as well as other medication you have already taken to ensure it is safe to do so.


Ibuprofen is another analgesic but has the added benefit of being an anti-inflammatory. This means it is good at treating sore muscles, joints and sprain among other injuries. This is helped by it coming in a range of forms, including medicine, tablets, gels and patches. It is also safe to take with paracetamol as long as you follow the advice given in the leaflet.


Codeine is often found with paracetamol as Co-Codamol and is the strongest over the counter pain medication that you can purchase. As a result of its strength it should not be used lightly and never for longer than 3 days. Always read the leaflet before taking.




AspirinDispersible Aspirin 75mg

Take 1-2 Tablets per day

Do not give to anyone under the age of 16 unless instructed to do so by a Doctor

Paracetamol500mg Tablet

Usual dose of 2 tablets each time. Swallow tablets whole with water. Wait at least 4 hours before taking another dose. No more than 4 doses in 24 Hours.

Under 16: 1 tablet every 4-6 hours. No more than 4 doses in 24 hours.

Under 10: Do not take.

Ibuprofen200mg Tablets

Take 1 to 2 tablets up to three times per day. Leave at least 4 hours in between doses. No more than 6 tablets in 24 hours.

18-12 years old: Consult a doctor if required for more than 3 days or if symptoms worsen.

Under 12: Do not take.

Ever since the World Health Organisation declared the Covid-19 a pandemic in March, our lives have changed dramatically, and now more than ever our health has been on the forefront of our minds.

Whilst scientists worldwide are tirelessly researching this new virus to find drug treatments and vaccines, many of us are asking ourselves what we can do in the mean time to help prevent spreading or contracting this infectious virus.

You may be looking for a quick fix such as a supplement or a super-food that can give the immune system a quick ‘boost’. The truth is, there is nothing you can take that is going to prevent you from contracting this virus. The most important action we can take to protect ourselves and others is by adhering to the latest government advice – hand washing, social distancing and self isolation.

Furthermore, the idea of boosting the immune system sounds straightforward, but in reality it is quite complex. The immune system is an elaborate and dynamic network of cells, tissues and organs which work together to defend the body when it is attacked by pathogens such as bacteria, fungi and viruses. The amazing thing about the immune system is that it’s able to distinguish between these ‘foreign’ cells and the body’s own cells, so it will only attack what it recognises as foreign. When the immune system is over active, the body can end up attacking its own healthy tissues and result in autoimmune disorders.

So as opposed to boosting our immune system, a more appropriate strategy would be to look at what we can do to support it to work at its best. A good healthy-living strategy is a great start to do this, and at the same time it will help your overall health and well-being now and in future.

Healthy Diet

The best place to start is by looking at what we eat because a varied and balanced diet should provide us with most of the vitamins, minerals and nutrients our bodies require to work properly. Cutting down on sugar and refined carbohydrates can also help us to maintain a healthy weight.

Vitamin A helps your immune system function properly, and also helps keep the lining of some parts of your body, such as the nose, healthy. It is present in dairy, fortified spreads, eggs, oily fish and green leafy vegetables.

There are many B vitamins, each with their own function. In general they help your body produce energy and make important molecules in your cells. Sources of B vitamins include, but are not limited to eggs, fish, leafy greens, milk, legumes and meat.

Oranges, peppers, broccoli, strawberries and potatoes are excellent sources of Vitamin C which can help support cellular functions needed by the immune system. If you choose to take a vitamin C supplement, doses more than 1000mg per day can cause side effects and should be avoided.

Vitamin E can help to maintain healthy skin and eyes, and strengthen the immune system. The body is able to store vitamin E so you don’t need it in your diet every day. Good sources are plant oils such as soya, corn and olive oil, nuts and seeds and wheatgerm – found in cereals.

Selenium helps the immune system work properly, as well as in reproduction. It helps prevent damage to cells and tissues. Good sources of selenium are brazil nuts, fish, meat and eggs.

Zinc contributes to the normal function of the immune system. It can be found in meat, shellfish, dairy foods, bread and cereal products. If you’re taking a supplement, don’t take more than 25mg unless advised by a doctor.

Fibre provides a food source for ‘friendly’ bacteria in the gut. Research has increasingly shown how important this bacteria in our gut may be to our health. Fruits, vegetables, pulses, beans, nuts and seeds contain fibre and you could also choose a high fibre breakfast cereal, wholemeal options for breads, pastas and rices.

Other vitamins and supplements

Vitamin D is essential to help keep your bones strong and for immunity support. Our bodies create vitamin D from direct sunlight when we’re outdoors and we should be able to get sufficient amounts from sunlight between early April and late September. As we’re currently spending more time at home it’s important not to forget about this essential vitamin. You should try to spend time in the garden or you can enjoy the sunshine on your daily walk but don’t forget your SPF. If you’re unable to go outdoors a supplement may be useful. It is advised to take 10mcg daily during the autumn and winter months and this should be continued if you’re still at risk from vitamin D deficiency.

Echinacea is a traditional herbal medicine. There is a lot of uncertainty as to whether it is effective in the prevention and treatment of common colds and other upper respiratory tract infections. Some studies show it is very mildly effective and in the short term it is relatively safe, so those at a higher risk may consider taking it for a few weeks after discussing with their pharmacist.

Quit Smoking

It is important now more than ever to quit smoking, as it can put you more at risk of developing more severe coronavirus complications. Smoking harms your immune system and those who have smoked for many years are more likely to have conditions such as heart and lung disease and high blood pressure which are also risk factors for more severe complications. It may be worth seeking professional support and/or medication as you’re three times more likely to quit this way as opposed to trying alone.

Drink Alcohol in Moderation


You may have found yourself turning to alcohol as a mechanism for dealing with stress or boredom, which is understandable. It has been found that regular drinking can have an effect on your body’s ability to fight infections, and heavy drinkers seem to catch more infectious diseases. It can also have a negative effect on mood, sleep, behaviour and heart health.

It is advised that to keep the health risks from drinking to a low level, you are safest not drinking more than 14 units per week, and this applies to both men and women.

Get Adequate Sleep

Sleep is a very important part of our daily lives and getting a good nights sleep keeps our mind and body healthy. Sleeping helps boost our immune system, drive our metabolism, rejuvenate our skin and gives our brain time to decompress the days events.

It can be very easy to fall in to an unhealthy sleep routine in the current situation. You may be tempted to stay up later watching TV or browsing the internet, wake up later than usual and nap during the day. It is really important to try to follow good sleep hygiene – this means working out a routine that suits you and sticking to it.

  • Try to fall asleep and wake up at a similar time every day

  • Wind down – this may be a hot bath, writing down your thoughts, listening to relaxing music, yoga/meditation, reading

  • Avoid using electronic devices close to bed time as they emit blue light which can have a negative impact on sleep

Regular Exercise

There is incredibly strong evidence that doing regular exercise contributes to helping you lead a happier and healthier life. Ideally we should be aiming to do a bit of exercise every day, with a minimum of 150 minutes of moderate activity a week.

As well as the long term benefits that exercise can help with, such as lowering the risk of conditions like depression, dementia, cancer and osteoarthritis, you can also enjoy the more immediate benefits of exercise like improved mood, energy and quality of sleep.

It is very likely that exercise strengthens our body’s immune system is it improves circulation, stimulates the lymphatic system, helps body flush toxins and delivers nutrients to cells.

Reduce Stress

The coronavirus outbreak has been life changing for everybody, and for the vast majority of people it has resulted in a negative impact on our mental well-being. The constant and changing headlines can leave you feeling worried and anxious, and staying inside can cause you to feel bored, lonely and frustrated.

When you are stressed or anxious your body releases adrenaline and cortisol which, if they are raised or a prolonged period of time, could suppress the immune system.

Some tips to help reduce stress include:

  • Limiting your daily screen time and only pay attention to reliable news sources

  • Stay connected by phoning friends and family

  • Yoga/meditation/deep breaths/stretch

  • Unwind – find an activity you enjoy

Most of us have been there. We’re getting ready for a night out or getting ready for work. You look in the mirror and see a big red dot or blackhead on your cheek or on your nose…Nightmare! But what can you do to quickly and effectively treat those pesky little acne outbreaks? Acnecide comes to help!

Symptoms of Acne

The symptoms of acne can vary from person to person but noticeable signs can include:

acne typesWhiteheads (closed plugged pores)

Blackheads (open plugged pores)

Small red, tender bumps (papules)

Pimples (pustules), which are papules with pus at their tips

Large, solid, painful lumps beneath the surface of the skin (nodules)

Painful, pus-filled lumps beneath the surface of the skin (cystic lesions)


What is Acnecide and how does it work?

Acnecide contains the active ingredient Benzoyl peroxide which is used to treat acne. It works as an antiseptic to reduce the number of germs (bacteria) on the surface of your skin.

It comes as a gel or face wash containing 5% benzoyl peroxide.

Many popular skincare brands also make products that contain benzoyl peroxide, but at a lower strength which may not completely reduce or remove the acne breakouts.

Using Acnecide regularly can help to completely remove the symptoms of acne from as little as 4 weeks of daily treatment when applied once or twice a day.

Buy Acnecide

Tips for preventing Acne outbreaks

  • Frequently was the skin
  • Use moisturisers to keep pores clean
  • Stay Hydrated
  • Limit the amount of Makeup used
  • Limit Sun exposure
  • Try to not touch your face as much as possible
  • Don’t squeeze spots


Warning and precautions

Acnecide is not suitable for children under the age of 12

Do not use if you are allergic to Benzoyl Peroxide

Do not apply to damaged or broken skin

Acnecide is not suitable with large or severe outbreaks of Acne

If your symptoms persist or there is no noticable change to your symptoms after 4 weeks, speak to your GP

In the UK, around 20% of children and 8% of adults have eczema. It can cause uncomfortable symptoms, but as dry skin can also be a symptom, patients may find it easy to confuse dry skin with eczema, but not everyone who gets dry skin will also have eczema. 

Eczema and dry skin: Similar but different

Atopic eczema is the most common form of eczema. Many cases are thought to occur due to a combination of genetic and triggers such as environmental factors. Genetic factors involved include association with the FLG (filaggrin) gene.

Eczema symptoms include itch, redness, dry skin which can sometimes become weeping, blisters, crusting, scaling, and thickening.

Conceptual representations of eczema.
Dry Skin
Dry skin (xerosis) is caused by excessive transepidermal water loss, as a result of the breakdown of the stratum corneum.Symptoms of dry skin include the skin beingrough, thin and fragile, tight and inelastic, and dull looking.
Conceptual representations of dry skin.


NEW Eczema Repair from E45 is also different

E45 Eczema Repair has a triple action formula, designed to treat the symptoms of eczema.

It has been formulated to be fast-absorbing with a non-sticky skin feel – so patients can spot the difference. In a consumer test, 84% of 216 participants agreed that E45 Eczema Repair was fast-absorbing.

E45 Eczema Repair is also free of fragrance or steroids for patients who may be at risk of allergic or sensitisation reactions to these ingredients.

The triple action formula of E45 Eczema Repair

1) High level of humectants to DRAW WATER IN:

11% w/w humectants comprised of 7% w/w glycerine and 4% w/w polyethylene glycol-8

2) Occlusive agents to help REDUCE WATER LOSS:

A combination of evening primrose oil and waxes creates a non-sticky emollient that forms an occlusive layer on the skin’s surface.

3) Contains Omega fatty acid which may help SUPPORT THE INTEGRITY OF THE SKIN.

Free fatty acids are a vital component of the lipid matrix of the skin

Conceptual representations of dry skin.
Buy Curanail
E45 Eczema Repair is a medical device. Always read the instructions.

CBD or Cannabidiol is one of over a hundred compounds found in the cannabis plant that belongs to a class of substances called cannabinoids. Whereas CBD is the major non-psychotropic component, THC or tetrahydrocannabinol is the ingredient that produces mind-altering effects in users.

The health benefits of CBD are numerous. Studies show that it has a significant impact on various neurological and physiological disorders.

CBD Treatments

Relieves Pain and Inflammation

Among the many proven benefits of CBD, pain relief is one of the most widely recognised. Research evidence suggests that it may be useful in pain modulation by inhibiting neuronal transmission in pain pathways. A 2012 study published in the Journal of Experimental Medicine found that it significantly suppressed chronic inflammatory and neuropathic pain in rodents without causing analgesic tolerance.

Antipsychotic Effects

Research shows that it produces antipsychotic effects and further studies have shown that it prevents human experimental psychosis and is useful in clinical trials of patients with schizophrenia, exhibiting a remarkable safety profile.

Reduces Anxiety

Studies using animal models of anxiety and involving healthy volunteers suggest that it decreased anxiety in patients with social anxiety disorder. Researchers have further indicated that it may also be useful for panic disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, social anxiety disorder and post-traumatic stress disorder.


Relieves Nausea

A 2012 study published in the British Journal of Pharmacology found that CBD induced anti-nausea and anti-emetic effects when it was administered to rats.




More human studies are needed to fully understand the range of risks and side effects that CBD oil may cause. Studies of CBD oil aren’t common. This is partially because substances like cannabis are highly regulated, causing some obstacles for researchers. With the legalization of marijuana products, more research is possible, and more answers will come.

Buy Curanail


On behalf of everyone at Pharmacy First we would like to thank Martin Lewis for mentioning us on ITV’s popular daytime TV program This Morning.


As recommended by Martin Lewis, you could be spending lots of your hard earned £££’s on branded medication where generic or “unbranded” versions of the tablets do exactly the same thing and have the exactly the same ingredients.

Check out the video above and get ready to be surprised of the price difference.


Alternatively, for Generic Zirtek (Cetirizine), click here

or for Generic Clarityn (Loratadine), click here

Did you know Piriton has a generic alternative? Click here for generic Chlorphenamine

Fungal Nail can be a bit embarrassing and nobody wants to put up with it for long. Here’s a helpful guide to treat and prevent Fungal Nails and keep them looking healthy.

What is fungal Nail & What causes it?

A fungal nail infection occurs from the overgrowth of fungi in, under, or on the nail. Fungi thrive in warm, moist environments, so this type of environment can cause them to naturally overpopulate. The same fungi that cause jock itch, athlete’s foot, and ringworm can cause nail infections.

Fungi that are already present in or on your body can also cause nail infections. If you have come in contact with someone else who has a fungal infection, it may have spread to you. 

Fungal infections affect toenails more commonly than fingernails because your toes are usually confined to your shoes, where they’re in a warm, moist environment.

There is also an increased risk if you:

  • have diabetes
  • have a disease that causes poor circulation
  • are over age 65
  • wear artificial nails
  • swim in a public swimming pool
  • have a nail injury
  • have a skin injury around the nail
  • have moist fingers or toes for an extended time
  • have a weakened immune system
  • wear closed-toe shoes, such as tennis shoes or boots

How do I know if I have a fungal nail Infection?

Fungal Nails

Initially there may be no symptoms at all but over time you may end up with one or more of the following Symptoms:

  • Your nails are painful
  • Discolouration of the nail (e.g. white, brown, yellow or green nails)
  • They are growing thicker or thinner than normal
  • White spots on the nail
  • The nail has changed shape
  • The nail is broken or it has rough edges
  • Your nail smells bad

Ok, I have one or more of these symptoms. How do I treat this?

CuranailThere are several treatments available over the counter at your local pharmacy. The most common of these is Curanail (also known as Loceryl). This works by penetrating the nail to reach the fungal infection and kills it to prevent any further determination of the nail. Whilst removing the infection, Curanail also protects the nail from spreading and most importantly re-infection. With continuous treatment, Curanail continues to kill the infection for up to 7 days per application.

The fungal infection has gone. Can I stop using the product?

While the infection may have appeared to be gone, there will inevitably be some remainder of the infection. It is therefore best to continue using Curanail for up to 7 days after the infection has visibly disappeared.

To also help remove the infection we would also recommend using an antifungal cream with the Curanail. This will work with the nail lacquer to protect the rest of your nails from the infection spreading.

How can I prevent this in the future?

cutting nailsKeep your nails short – If your nails get too long, dirt and bacteria can collect under the nails and can result in infection. Also clean your nail cutter or trimmer before and after each use.


clean nailsClean your nails well – Ensure that your nails are thoroughly washed and cleaned when you are in the bath or shower. A nail brush may also help to remove trapped dirt and bacteria under the nail.


Dry your nails. Keep them away from moisture – Humid environments, exercise and non-breathable socks and shoes causes sweat and is perfect for an infection to develop. Make sure you wear breathable socks and shoes that are also not too tight to reduce the risk of infection.

Buy Curanail

Click here to buy Curanail.

According to a recent online survey, 80% of all New Year’s resolutions are broken before March. Whether your resolution is quitting smoking, cutting back on alcohol or budging the bulge, we often abandon them to soon after starting as it is something we have tried and either gave up, or failed previously.

We look at the New Year as a fresh start and a chance to change something we have been unhappy with in the previous year(s) or we have set new goals for ourselves.

With the help of these aids and tips you can ensure this will be the year to give up or get fit for good.


Quitting smoking can be a stressful time. Even though your will power is strong the cravings can be stronger. Also putting pressure on yourself to succeed and abstain from smoking can in turn make you crave a nicotine hit. Many people try going ‘Cold turkey’; quitting immediately without any treatment or assistance can make for intense withdrawal symptoms, (depending on the frequency of nicotine intake and how long you’ve smoked will impact the severity) such as:-

Cramping, nausea
Irritability, anxiety
Difficulty concentrating, headaches
Weight gain

While this method may have worked for a small few it is not recommended for the ‘heavier’ smoker e.g. more than 10 cigarettes per day.

Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) is a product that releases nicotine into the body without exposing it to the other harmful chemicals that come with smoking. Using NRT is an effective way to diminish the uncomfortable cravings that quitting smoking brings and to live a healthier lifestyle.

Good combinations to try would be the Nicorette Patches along with the Nicorette Gum or the Nicorette Inhaler with the Nicorette Lozenges. Depending on how much you smoke you can choose different mg of nicotine and studies show using Nicotine Replacement Therapies can increase your chances of quitting by more than double if you were to cut down on your own.

To give you the best chance of quitting, quit for personal reasons, reasons that are important to you and something that will potentially deter you from the urge to smoke. If you are worried about the impact quitting smoking it will have on you, speak to your GP or healthcare professional and they can offer advice on methods and/or groups you can attend for support. Remember to not be discouraged if you give in to smoking.

Think about the reason for the relapse and work towards avoiding it, set yourself a new ‘quit date’ and start again. After all, quitting smoking is important to you and can be that first step towards a healthier lifestyle.

Weight Loss

According to a poll taken in 2015, the most popular resolution chosen was to lose weight and I think most of us can agree that losing weight or becoming generally fitter and healthier has been on our tick list at one point. Studies have shown that at least 85% of people fail using conventional weight loss methods although, there are some products available to purchase over the counter, from your Pharmacy or on prescription that can aid weight loss along with clean eating and exercise.

A popular aid for slimming is Alli that is available over the counter in Pharmacies (active ingredient is Orlistat, which is available on prescription from our online Doctor).

Alli works by preventing around a quarter of dietary fat being absorbed by the body. Dietary fat is high in calories therefore, not being processed by the body will result in weight loss. However, these have been known to occasionally cause side effects so please read the patient information leaflet and always consult with your GP, Pharmacist or healthcare professional before taking any new medications.

There are herbal remedies to aid with weight loss such as Adios or XLS Medical Tablets which help speed up weight loss by acting on the body’s food stores and are then converted into energy, resulting in a loss of calories, and consequently, a loss in weight.

Other than eating healthy, exercising regularly and taking slimming aids remember, that will power is paramount. Other tips for success include:

Don’t buy junk food, yet don’t abstain from the foods you enjoy as this can lead to cravings. Everything in moderation!
Inform your friends and family about your goals so that they can encourage you and praise you.
Know what you’re eating. Check food labels and work them out around your diet.
Don’t give up! We all fall off the wagon sometimes but it is a lot easier to jump straight back on than abandon your diet and start all over again.

Cutting Back or Quitting Alcohol

After the party season has ended we tend to feel a little groggy. Cutting down on drinking alcohol or quitting altogether may be your resolution. There are many benefits to doing so such as saving money, losing weight or getting involved in Dry January who work with six national charities that work closely with issues relating to alcohol, this can also give you the incentive and achievement to cut down or give up alcohol for the foreseeable.

A survey taken by participants of Dry January showed that 49% lost weight, 62% had more energy and improved sleep and 79% of people saved money.

Pharmacy First encourage our customers to stick to the new lifestyle they wish to lead in 2018, and remember we are here to help with any products that might assist you along the way.

In 2006, 1,042,431 prescriptions were dispensed for Viagra (Sildenafil) compared to 2,958,199 prescriptions dispensed in 2016 for ED.

ED - Image

In recent years there has been an increase seen in men who are otherwise healthy but are suffering from a sexual dysfunction. Erectile dysfunction (ED) and premature ejaculation (PE) are the most common.

Prescriptions for drugs such as Sildenafil (Viagra), Tadalafil (Cialis) and Vardenafil (Levitra) have more than doubled in the last decade, to treat these conditions. While the cause of these may be physical or psychological and vary between each patient, we feel the increase recorded is because people are less embarrassed to talk about sexual health in this day and age.

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is where a man has continuous issues with sustaining or obtaining an erection, hard or long enough for intercourse. About 5% of men that are 40 years old have complete erectile dysfunction, and that number increases to about 15% of men at age 70. Mild and moderate erectile dysfunction affects approximately 10% of men per decade of life (i.e., 50 percent of men in their 50s, 60 percent of men in their 60s).

Premature ejaculation (PE) is when an ejaculation occurs quicker than is desired during sexual intercourse. The causes for the sexual dysfunctions will differ from man to man. However common causes for ED are, because of your lifestyle (consuming too much alcohol, smoking), stress or high blood pressure. While for PE it has been linked to anxiety, relationship problems, or physical issues such as thyroid problems, abnormal levels of hormones.

Should you experience any of these issues, you should speak to your GP who will investigate your case to help you in the best way possible.

Our Online Consultation Service can help

Erectile Dysfunction

If ED is diagnosed there are several medications for treatment, below are the most popular:

ED - Viagra

Viagra is a medication used for the treatment of impotence and Erectile Dysfunction (ED). The active ingredient found in Viagra is Sildenafil and comes in 25mg, 50mg and 100mg doses. It works to help sustain an erection by increasing blood flow to the penis. Viagra ONLY works when you are sexually aroused and is designed to keep an erection long and hard enough for intercourse. Sildenafil is the generic version of Viagra.

ED - CialisCialis is a prescription medication taken orally. It is available in 2.5mg & 5mg , and 10mg & 20mg tablet form. Cialis allows the muscles surrounding the pelvis to relax which in turn flows more blood to the body of the penis making it hard.

Cialis can start working within 15-45 minutes of consuming. A generic version of Cialis is available using the active ingredient Tadalafil

Whilst there is no set or agreed time for ejaculation to occur it is usually classed as premature if a climax is reached in less than 2 minutes.

Premature Ejaculation

Whilst there is no set or agreed time for ejaculation to occur it is usually classed as premature if a climax is reached in less than 2 minutes. There are also other factors that go into the diagnosing and prescribing process such as the impact of premature ejaculation has on the individual.

Priligy - Premature ejaculation treatment

Priligy is a prescription medication that is sold by our Online Consultation Service. It helps to delay. It works by boosting the levels of serotonin in the body which helps to delay ejaculation and it is effective in over 80% of males.

There are popular treatments available such as creams and sprays without the need for prescription to aid those who suffer from PE:

LMX4 - PELMX4 is traditionally used as a fast acting topical anaesthetic that has an excellent safety profile. It is used to reduce the pain associated with medical needle procedures. It does this by numbing the skin within 30 minutes of application. LMX4 4% Cream has an advanced liposomal formulation that uniquely enhances the way the active ingredient in the cream penetrates into the skin. Apply a thin layer to the penis and wash off after 15 minutes (before intercourse) so that this does not transfer to your partner and they do not lose sensation.

STUD100 - PEStud100 Desensitizing spray contains lidocaine, a well-known anaesthetic. When sprayed on to the penis it penetrates the skin and after 10-15 should be washed off (before intercourse) so that this does not transfer to your partner. You may need to try this in private beforehand to determine how much spray is enough or not enough. Clinical trials have proven that Stud 100 is quick acting, safe and effective.

Leaving a sexual dysfunction undiagnosed can lead to depression and/or anxiety in some cases.

It is important to remember this is not an uncommon condition and there are a wide range of treatments available on prescription or from Pharmacies.

If you feel more than half of sexual experiences result in either of these issues it is important to consult with your GP.

The most popular method of obtaining these medications is via the internet. The dangers of buying medication online can be controlled by looking out for the correct symbols on the website you have chosen to use.

GPhCnumber1107410Those patients that are already using a legitimate online pharmacy will undoubtedly already have seen the click-able green cross logo,which is the General Pharmaceutical Council (GPhC). Users that click on this particular logo will be taken to the GPhC register of pharmacies and can see verification that this pharmacy is who they are claiming to be.

MHRALogoThe EU common logo is required in addition to the GPhC logo and will not act as a substitution. Like the GPhC logo, the;”> EU common logo is click-able, but the hyperlink will direct people to the MHRA’s list of registered online pharmacies. This will be an extra level of security, reassurance and peace of mind for the consumer, who will now be given a guarantee the medicine they receive will be legitimate and safe.


Its important not to ignore changes in your vagina scent and seek advice from your GP or Pharmacist if you do.

Something Fishy

Noticing changes with your vaginal scent and discharge can be a daunting and worrying experience, but it is important not to ignore it. These are common issues many women face and should not make you feel embarrassed.

Your vagina has its own individual scent and there is usually nothing to worry about if this is noticeable – to a degree. Every vagina has good and bad bacteria. There is no ‘normal’ amount of bacteria as shown in studies; each woman has their own ‘normal’ amount. Like the gut, if the bad bacteria overpowers the good bacteria, then an infection can occur.

You may from time to time notice the scent being stronger than usual particularly after a gym session, sexual intercourse or if you have recently made changes to your diet. These are usually harmless and may show your body is functioning normally.

However, if you notice changes to the amount, colour, smell or consistency of your discharge then this may be a cause for concern. Below are 5 signs you should look out for and the widely available treatments you can purchase over the counter from a pharmacy.

Very Strong Fishy Smell – Bacterial Vaginosis (aka BV)

BV is most likely to occur in those of childbearing age (15-44). It is not sexually transmitted yet having BV can increase your risk of catching a sexually transmitted disease (STD).

The cause for the infection is not known, but usually arises due to an imbalance of naturally occurring bacteria in the vagina. Symptoms may include an excess in discharge, burning sensation when urinating and a strong fishy smell.

CanestestYou can check if you have BV in the comfort of your own home by purchasing a self-testing kit for infections called Canestest. If you do have BV the test will indicate so and provides some information on how to acquire treatment.




Metronidazole Tablets: Treatment of Bacterial Infections | ZavaYou can treat BV with Metronidazole, a prescription medication that is available from our Online Consultation Service. This anti-bacterial medication will help you clear the infection, with the course of treatment lasting 7 days.

You can purchase treatment for BV from a pharmacy such as Canesflor Probiotics, a vaginal pessary to clear up the infection. Balance Activ also has a range of products to eliminate the infection, to neutralise vaginal odour and relieve discomfort.


Musky Smell – Sweating

Sweat causes odour as we are all aware and it can’t be helped, especially after a workout, on a hot day or even wearing tight underwear. It is normal to sweat around your vagina as it has thousands of sweat glands although, if you feel there is a musky smell before or even after washing there are products available to thoroughly cleanse the area without using perfumes and upsetting your vagina’s PH balance.

Vagisil Ultra Fresh Intimate WashVagisil Ultra Fresh Intimate Wash can be used every day and can prevent odour from happening. You can also use Vagisil Ultra Fresh Intimate Powder which absorbs moisture and helps prevent perspiration. Be aware that if the muskiness stays with you after trying to treat it and/or if your discharge becomes discoloured or bloody then you should visit your GP as this may be signs of an STD or STI.




Chlorine / Bleach Smell (Sensitive to Ingredients)

If you are practising safe sex with condoms or using sexual enhancements such as lubricants and gels you may notice an odour that can resemble the smell of chlorine or bleach in your intimate area. This is completely normal, as your vagina has its own cleaning regime, when interfered with, it can be a little irritating.

Yes Water Based LubricantThe Yes Water Based Lubricant range has pure and natural, plant base products which are also all organic. Whether you use them for pleasure or for help with vaginal dryness they are also safe to use with condoms.





Durex Latex FreeIf you or your partner is allergic to latex then Durex Latex Free Condoms are a comfortable alternative. They are made from a material called polyisoprene which is thinner than latex but still strong.





Yeasty, Bread like Smell – Candida (aka Thrush)

Thrush is the most common bacteria imbalance of the vagina affecting 70%-75% of women in their lifetime. Thrush can occur because of natural bacteria in the vagina has become disrupted for example if you are or have recently been on antibiotics, have taken hormones (e.g. contraceptive pill) or steroids. Physicality’s can attribute to the infection of thrush for instance a weakened immune system due to cancer treatment, iron deficiency or those who are pregnant. Symptoms may include a red, itchy vulva, pain when urinating, and a cottage cheese resembling yeast-like smelling discharge.

While Thrush is not serious you will want to get this cleared up as soon as possible. Again you can buy Canestest which will determine if you have thrush. If this is the outcome there are a number of treatments available to by over the counter or from a Pharmacy.

Difclucan Capsules from a UK Online Doctor
Diflucan is a prescription medication that is available to buy to treat thrush. It is available at a low price from our Online Consultation Service. It is delivered quickly and discreetly.
Clotrimazole Cream

A single dose of Fluconazole taken orally and cream for external use to relieve the burning, red, itchy skin called Clotrimazole cream (branded version is Canesten Duo) is usually enough to clear up your standard thrush outbreak. The tablet and cream can be used for your partner also.


Clotrimazole PessaryHowever, if your symptoms are particularly severe or you have had thrush less than 6 months before you should visit your GP.

You can purchase internal pessaries which a single dose of Clotrimazole 500mg is usually enough to rid those of the infection within 3-4 days. If symptoms persist after this time then you should seek medical advice from your doctor and never increase the dose without their recommendation.


Are Foods To Blame (High in Alkaline)

Your vagina is naturally highly acidic and as some may know that eating asparagus can turn your pee green they may not be aware it can also make your vagina taste foul too! Everyone should eat their 5 a day yet if you are having issues with strong scents or a complaint of the flavour from your partner; here are some fruits and veggies to avoid which are very high in alkali








Fresh Coconut





Runner Beans





New Potato





Sweet Potato


Femfresh WipesConsuming green tea, pineapple, kiwi, cranberry and mango have been known to sweeten the smell and taste of your vagina. Avoid alcohol and smoking as this can give a yeasty-ashy taste too. You can purchase Femfresh Cleansing Wipes to freshen, gently cleanse and deodorise your intimate area daily.